Für die digitale Praxis: IOS cube Tour 2023...

… von Nord bis Süd, von Ost bis West: Spannende Intraoralscan-Partys deutschlandweit.


Das ist deine Gelegenheit, dich in einem besonderen Ambiente in deiner Nähe über die vielen Vorteile der optisch-elektronischen Abformung und des digitalen Workflows von Experten informieren zu lassen – von den Abrechnungsmöglichkeiten bis zur praktischen Anwendung. Der Weg in die Digitalisierung war noch nie angenehmer. Sei dabei und erhöhe die Effizienz und Produktivität deiner Praxis!

Leipzig, Berlin, München, Bamberg, Wiesbaden, Stuttgart, Kassel, Witten, Bremen, Rostock, Düsseldorf.  

Carolina Schlotte CAD/CAM Vertrieb

Carolina Schlotte

CAD/CAM Vertrieb

Vanessa Frenzel CAD/CAM Vertrieb

Vanessa Frenzel

CAD/CAM Vertrieb

Tobias Hanke CAD/CAM Vertrieb

Tobias Hanke

CAD/CAM Vertrieb


  • Dental Direkt »Full-Service-Provider«
  • Digitaler Workflow im Dentallabor
  • Systemvorstellung mit Live-Scan
  • Implantatplanung 3D-Dentaldrucker
  • Intraorale Scanner im Vergleich
  • Kalkulation der intraoralen Scans


49,90 € zzgl. MwSt.

69,90 € zzgl. MwSt. (Teampreis)

Absagen sind bis 14 Tage vor Seminarbeginn gebührenfrei. Bei späteren Absagen oder Nichterscheinen werden die Kosten in voller Höhe berechnet. Wir behalten uns das Recht vor, das Seminar bis 1 Tag vor Beginn zu stornieren. Im Falle einer Terminabsage durch Dental Direkt erhalten Sie die Teilnahmegebühr erstattet. Es gelten die AGB der Dental Direkt GmbH, Spenge. Stand 01/2023.

Buche jetzt deinen Termin!


Herewith I sign up definitely for following seminar:

Contact data
Yes, I have read the Privacy Policy note and I consent that the data provided by me, including the contact data, for the processing of the inquiry and in case of questions are electronically collected and stored. My data will only be used strictly for my request and will not be passed without my consent. This consent can be revoked any time with effect for the future..
This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.
Berliner Berg Brauerei

Herewith I sign up definitely for following seminar:

Contact data
Yes, I have read the Privacy Policy note and I consent that the data provided by me, including the contact data, for the processing of the inquiry and in case of questions are electronically collected and stored. My data will only be used strictly for my request and will not be passed without my consent. This consent can be revoked any time with effect for the future..
This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.
München Brauerei-Gasthof-Aying

Herewith I sign up definitely for following seminar:

Contact data
Yes, I have read the Privacy Policy note and I consent that the data provided by me, including the contact data, for the processing of the inquiry and in case of questions are electronically collected and stored. My data will only be used strictly for my request and will not be passed without my consent. This consent can be revoked any time with effect for the future..
This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.

Herewith I sign up definitely for following seminar:

Contact data
Yes, I have read the Privacy Policy note and I consent that the data provided by me, including the contact data, for the processing of the inquiry and in case of questions are electronically collected and stored. My data will only be used strictly for my request and will not be passed without my consent. This consent can be revoked any time with effect for the future..
This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.
Heimathafen Wiedbaden IOS cube tour 23

Herewith I sign up definitely for following seminar:

Contact data
Yes, I have read the Privacy Policy note and I consent that the data provided by me, including the contact data, for the processing of the inquiry and in case of questions are electronically collected and stored. My data will only be used strictly for my request and will not be passed without my consent. This consent can be revoked any time with effect for the future..
This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.
Weingut Wöhrwag

Herewith I sign up definitely for following seminar:

Contact data
Yes, I have read the Privacy Policy note and I consent that the data provided by me, including the contact data, for the processing of the inquiry and in case of questions are electronically collected and stored. My data will only be used strictly for my request and will not be passed without my consent. This consent can be revoked any time with effect for the future..
This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.

Herewith I sign up definitely for following seminar:

Contact data
Yes, I have read the Privacy Policy note and I consent that the data provided by me, including the contact data, for the processing of the inquiry and in case of questions are electronically collected and stored. My data will only be used strictly for my request and will not be passed without my consent. This consent can be revoked any time with effect for the future..
This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.

Herewith I sign up definitely for following seminar:

Contact data
Yes, I have read the Privacy Policy note and I consent that the data provided by me, including the contact data, for the processing of the inquiry and in case of questions are electronically collected and stored. My data will only be used strictly for my request and will not be passed without my consent. This consent can be revoked any time with effect for the future..
This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.

Herewith I sign up definitely for following seminar:

Contact data
Yes, I have read the Privacy Policy note and I consent that the data provided by me, including the contact data, for the processing of the inquiry and in case of questions are electronically collected and stored. My data will only be used strictly for my request and will not be passed without my consent. This consent can be revoked any time with effect for the future..
This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.
Button_Deutsches Bernsteinmusem in Rostock

Herewith I sign up definitely for following seminar:

Contact data
Yes, I have read the Privacy Policy note and I consent that the data provided by me, including the contact data, for the processing of the inquiry and in case of questions are electronically collected and stored. My data will only be used strictly for my request and will not be passed without my consent. This consent can be revoked any time with effect for the future..
This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.

Herewith I sign up definitely for following seminar:

Contact data
Yes, I have read the Privacy Policy note and I consent that the data provided by me, including the contact data, for the processing of the inquiry and in case of questions are electronically collected and stored. My data will only be used strictly for my request and will not be passed without my consent. This consent can be revoked any time with effect for the future..
This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions.
Dental Direkt at the IDS 2023 in Colone at hall 1 D-030