From the very beginning, transparency and quality that is open to all have been fixed components of our company DNA. For us as a medical device manufacturer, this is a matter of course that sends a signal of trust to our customers and partners: Quality does not have to hide.
At the IDS 23, we put our money where our mouth is and brought our "transparent production" to Cologne - a huge success.
Using VR glasses, we explained every single step of the manufacturing process to the visitors, from the raw powder to the noble high-performance ceramics 'Made in Germany'.
Here is an overview of the facts about our »transparent« production:
- We produce up to 30,000 zirconia blanks per month (up to 360,000 annually)
- We have 4 fully automated CNC lathes, including automatic turning of up to 600 blanks per lathe. Automatic robotic arms measure the height, weight, diameter and density of each turned blank.
- 3 uniaxial dry presses compress each blank with a pressure of up to 200 tonnes
- 3 isostatic presses compress each blank again in a water-oil mix at up to 4,000 bar - this production step ensures a homogeneous structure in the entire area of the blank
- 15 ceramic firing furnaces - the small ones hold up to 200 blanks; the large ones up to 600 blanks) - burn out the bonding agents still contained in the material in a gentle two- to five-day process
- Over 1,000 m² of production space at the Spenge location
»With the possibilities offered by our modern and fully automated production and the expertise of our team, we can even afford to produce two aesthetic lines, the yellowish-warm and the bluish-cold. This is because it is important for us that every aesthetic requirement can be met. This wide range and the large quantity of blanks produced make us number 1 in Europe.«
Christina Voß, Head of Research & Development Dental Direkt

You are cordially invited to experience the " transparent production " live in Spenge.
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